Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stryker's speech evaluation

Stryker had a speech evaluation this afternoon with Early Intervention through Hand in Hand. The speech therapist completed her evaluation & quickly informed us that we had nothing to worry about because Stryker was average or slightly above average for his age group. Yeah, little man! You've worked hard to get where you are now! We are so proud of you - as we always are. She did give us a couple of suggestions to implement into our daily routines:
1. allow us to communicate when you want to read a book - use books without a lot of words; label & just communicate instead of trying to read a story; this would encourage communication & Stryker given words to mimmic
2. start given him choices - allow him to choose; making choices gives him some independence by offering him a couple of items & letting him point to which one he wants (why we name the items)

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