Friday, September 9, 2011

Devotion #4

"Don't cry over a miscarriage. It's God's way of getting rid of something imperfect."
"You can always have another one."
"Be thankful you have another child."
"Well, maybe it's for the best."
"Better to lose it now than later."

All of the above statements are intended to comfort you during this time...or so some people would say. These statements really intensify your pain by minimizing your loss. My baby was not an "it". My baby was a person in the making. I have to remember that we lost a child. I have good reason to hurt & cry. I don't need to minimize my pain like the comments above do.

Lord, I have so many questions. Should I really be feeling this way? Am I making too much out of my loss? Not everyone understands how I feel. Help me to forgive those people who try to minimize my pain. My loss was a child, not a mistake or a clump of cells. My child was a part of me. You created my precious baby. It's comforting to know You saw my child in my womb & know it by name. My child has value in Your eyes. Give me the strength to grieve. You are my Creator, the One who can form my loss into something good in time. Amen

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