Monday, September 12, 2011

Devotion #7

My child is precious to God, & He knows my child by name, even if we do not. I need to remember this daily. Reminding myself that our child was alive & is now alive in Heaven should be comforting to me.

As memories of my short pregnancy fill my mind, I ponder questions:
What would our baby look like?
What would his/her cry & laugh sound like?
How would it feel to hold him/her?
Would he/she enjoy the same things as Stryker?
How would he/she get along with Stryker?
Did he/she really know how much love I have for them & how much they are missed?
What was it like to be in God's presence?

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. - Matthew 5:4

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