Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dentist appt time

It was that time of year appointments for the kiddos! Stryker went back by himself this time & even got "pictures" of his teetch. No tears from the big boy, but different story for Lake. She cried even though I was holding her the entire time!

LakeLynn 2 years old

*wears size 5 diapers
*wears size 8 shoes
*wears 3T-4T shirts
*wears 2T-3T shorts/pants
*counts 0-13 by herself
*knows all colors
*knows some shapes & letters
*talks in short sentences
*loves to play, especially with Stryker
*participates in gymnastics
*can kick a soccer ball (dribbles the ball well)
*throws, writes, & eats mainly left handed
*loves to read books
*not a picky eater

weight: 28 lbs 5 oz (75th percentile)
length: 34.5 in (50-75th percentile)

LakeLynn 2nd birthday party - part II

LakeLynn's party was a complete success - beautiful sunny weather, good food, lots of family & friends, & loads of fun!! The last picture is Lake sitting in front of the back door looking outside saying, "My party over, my party?!"

LakeLynn 2nd birthday party - part I

Happy Birthday, LakeLynn!!! You are 2 years old. A Minnie Mouse Bowtique Party was definitely a good way to celebrate! The party was in our backyard/back patio on Sunday, September 21st at 3pm. Coco & Fletch came early that morning to set up Lake's gift - a trampoline! We enjoyed eating Dunkin Donuts before the kiddos jumped the rest of the morning. LakeLynn made sure Coco painted her toes before her party. A photo session followed by naps, then...