Sunday, November 17, 2013

World Prematurity Day 2013

November 17th is World Prematurity Day. This day is near & dear to my heart after having 2 preemies. God blessed me with 2 preemies that continue growing both physically & spiritually. I have also lost 2 children who are in Heaven being rocked by Jesus waiting until the day we meet. My heart is heavy for mothers/parents/families that have preemie babies who are not as fortunate as I have been. I give thanks each day for the opportunity to raise these children & be chosen as their mom. Pregnancies & births are all too often taken for granted nowadays. Please remember those women, couples, families that are struggling with a complicated pregnancy with the fear of premature birth or those that are raising preemies that may or may not have deficits. 

Preemie Prayer
God bless the little child behind the plastic wall. For all he knows is the ringing of the bells and the blurred images around him. He has been taken from my womb without warning and I long to hold him in my arms.
Lord, I ask in Your name that my child be healed. I am willing to accept Your decision no matter what it will be. I am willing to take on the responsibilities for caring for this child. I am willing to give this child love and understanding no matter the cost. Please Lord help me to accept reality and what has happened without explanation or warning. Help me face the fact that this is not my fault and that I was given a special task to complete here on Earth.
God give my child the strength and compassion to the caregivers and nurses that take care of my child. May you keep my child protected and free from all injury and pain.
Please take away the guilt and burden from my heart dear Lord. It is heavy and I feel it is all my fault. Take it away dear Lord. Sweet Jesus allow me the strength and understanding I need to communicate with the doctors and nurses.
As you see dear Lord, I am at Your mercy for the life of my child. Please leave him here on Earth and know that I will provide all the love and understanding that this child needs. I accept the challenge and will be Your humble servant dear Lord.
Author Unknown

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