Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Big boy accomplishment!

Ever since Stryker turned 3, he has been Mr. Compete Independent. Or so he thinks! He has been wearing a pull-up only at night for the past 6 months. After turning 3, he said "no" to pull-ups at night. He quit cold turkey & has yet to have any accidents during the night!!! Way to go big guy! He doesn't even want to fall asleep in our bed anymore. He says "my bed, please" when he's ready for bed. Logan takes him upstairs to tuck him him. But not before he goes to the potty by himself (he shuts the door & everything), turns his night light on, turns his sound machine on, & then says "night night". We've had to start saying prayers in our bed together before he goes upstairs. In the morning, he wants to climb out of his bed, go to the potty, turn off sound machine & night light before running downstairs to us. I miss my baby boy. He's growing up too fast! We had a special family afternoon to celebrate all of Stryker's big boy accomplishments by taking him Saturday to Steel City Pops in Homewood (highly recommend it) for a popsicle & to pick out a toy using his Homewood Toy & Hobby gift card that Uncle Steve & Aunt Barbara gave him for his birthday! We are all so proud of you Stryker.

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