Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daycare story

Stryker's teacher stopped Logan at the door as he dropped Stryker off yesterday. The conversation went a little like this...

teacher: "I need to tell you what Stryker did yesterday during nap time."
Logan: "Oh no, what did he do?"
teacher: "All the kids were asleep on their cots, except for Stryker. He was laying there very still with eyes open. I turned around after cleaning the counter to find out Stryker was not laying on his cot. He's fast because I was only turned for a second."
Logan: "You have no idea."
teacher: "I found him laying underneath the boy's cot that was next to his. He saw me looking at him. So, he cut his eyes away from me & would glance back in my direction to see if I was still looking at him. As I walked toward him whispering that he needs to get back on his cot to sleep, he slid out the other side & tip-toed to the wall. He tried to stand as close to the wall as possible & would, again, keep checking in my direction with a little grin. It was like he was telling me that I couldn't see him! But he was not making a peep. I picked him up with him smiling big, rocked him for a little while before putting him back on his cot. He was so cute!"

Now, you see what a handful our little boy is going to be!

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