Monday, July 21, 2014

Left knee scope

A left knee scope was scheduled for Thursday, July 3rd. My coworkers enjoyed writing a message to my orthopedic surgeon - unfortunately, it washed off in the shower. But he saw these pictures & laughed! We like giving him a hard time! Thursday morning came early due to having to report to hospital (Cullman) at 5:30am. Thankfully, Coco didn't mind getting to our house at 4:30am in order for Logan to get me there on time. I was Dr. Dueland's first case - this was definitely a good thing! Surgery went well but more extensive than expected: moderate fraying of the lateral retinaculum - resected, limited suprapatellar synovectomy performed, plica band resection, fairly extensive grade III chondromalacia - shaved. I was in a full length Ace bandage for 3 days followed by a short stretch bandage for 4 days. Thank you hubs for taking care of me as well as Coco for taking care of the kiddos.

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