Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10 wks & 5 days!!!

Praise the Lord for a continued, healthy pregnancy! We are now 10 wks & 5 days. We have been able to see baby Green many times during this pregnancy so far which allows me to remain calm (well, more calm than I would have been). There have been 6 ultrasounds already! On Monday, March 26th, we were able to successfully hear baby's heartbeat. What an amazing sound! A strong 186 beats/min. Go baby Green! I treasured the sound of Stryker's heartbeat but making it far enough in this pregnancy to hear the heartbeat made me heart melt. It's been an emotional pregnancy to say the least. After hearing the heartbeat (which thankfully allowed me to avoid another vaginal ultrasound), the nurse immediately informed us that the chances of a miscarriage decrease to almost 0% once the heartbeat is audible. All I could do is look at Logan with a big smile of relief & praise God for this blessing. This was definitely the quickest, most uncomplicated doctor's appointment we've had in a very long time. Adcock recommended we return on April 24th. We'll be stopping the progesterone next Saturday. Our next visit will also allow us to learn about the shots that I will be receiving at home weekly (beginning at 16 wks). Baby Green's gender will be revealed in less than 2 months!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for baby green and that sweet heartbeat! Praying for you :) love, Robin
