Saturday was a lazy day for the little man & me. Stryker woke up late which allowed me to get the housework & laundry completed. We sat around watching football & eating a late breakfast. Around 3pm, we met Coco at work before running errands & then meeting Logan at Mugshots to eat dinner. It was perfect weather for outside eating. The radio allowed us to keep up with the Alabama game & the t.v.'s were on the Auburn game. Stryker enjoyed watching football, eating, & seeing all the people. We had a good time, but Stryker spotted a blond-haired, diamond ear-pierced little girl to play after we ate. Stryker would run up to her, lay his head on the wall, wave his little hand, smile, & say "hey". So sweet & such a flirt! At least he has good taste, right?! The little girl's dad was laughing at the two because it was so comical. Stryker tried to run past her so fast but ended up catching his foot on a crack in the cement resulting in a face plant. He poked his bottom lip out, reached for Logan, & cried. I think he was slightly embarrassed. A black eye started to appear. Logan took the opportunity to give Stryker a manly talk while walking back to the car. "Son, it doesn't matter if you're 2 or 22 years old, girls are always going to do this to you..." I wish I had this little talk on camera.
Haaaaaahahahaha. Logan's talk cracks me up.