Monday, March 20, 2017

Houston-Cutter Blayne Green's debut

Houston-Cutter Blayne Green

March 5, 2017 at 4:10pm

6 pounds, 19 inches long

Born at 34 weeks & 6 days

Premature contractions were beginning to intensify over the past couple of days. My cervix had remained 1 cm dilated for awhile as well as thinned. On Saturday, March 4th, Logan took Stryker & LakeLynn to a birthday party early morning before bringing them home for naps. Logan returned to Let's Play for a second birthday party after lunch with Stryker while LakeLynn stayed home with me. Coco came over to play with LakeLynn outside while I tried to nap since my contractions were intensifying. Without any improvement, I called Logan to come home quickly. As soon as he got home, we loaded the car to head to Brookwood. Coco stayed home with Stryker & LakeLynn. Dr. Adcock was informed but Dr. Batson was on call. We were monitored for a couple of hours, received rescue dose of steroids, & received other medications in attempt to slow contractions. We were nearing discharge when a nurse informed us that my cervix had began progressing & was 2 cm. Plans were changed resulting in being transferred to L&D. Even with magnesium, my body continued to progress. My cervix dilated from 6 cm to 9 cm within 1 1/2 hours. Logan frantically called Coco to get to the hospital with Stryker & LakeLynn so I could see them prior to delivery. 

Cutter made his debut at 4:10pm with a chance for him to lie on my chest only a few minutes before being transported to the NICU via incubator. His gestational age required automatic NICU observation while his retractions caused Cutter to remain in the NICU.

LakeLynn was able to help prep the infant warmer for Cutter to lie on after delivery & Stryker picked out the hat to keep Cutter's head warm

Cutter in the NICU ~3 hours after delivery

Stryker & LakeLynn were so excited about Cutter's arrival

Love you Coco. My mom means the world to me.

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