Today, Stryker had another therapy session with both OT & PT. I was at work; therefore, unable to attend. Logan & Coco were able to be there for the session. Andrew (OT) was able to get Stryker to take circles off pegs & then place them back onto the pegs. Stryker was also able to hand toys to Andrew when asked. Wow! He's making great progress! Kristi (PT) told me that she was excited about how well Stryker was doing. He loves to show off in front of people so he was able to stand independently while Kristi sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" - the entire song without falling! She wants us to work with him on standing independently in order to prepare for walking. Stryker must have listened well because he began walking with support of a toy for about 30 minutes when he got home. He would hold onto his train & walk without falling! His little legs looked so cute taking steps. I'm thinking an independent child is what we have on our hands now because he would get upset when the train hit furniture & we gave assistance to turn the train around. He loved walking. I hope walking independent is not too far away!
The down-side of therapy today was the news of needing a pediatric orthopedic hand specialist to look at Stryker's thumbs. The therapists are still questioning why his thumbs want to stay adducted during fine motor skills, especially since the MRI was negative. We were able to get an appointment for Monday, February 7th. Praying we get answers.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The circus came to town & we attended! Stryker & I brought our dear friends (Jeremiah & Julianne) with us. Our seats were amazingly close. Stryker loved all of the lights, animals, & action. Stryker's little eyes were wide-open the entire time. Not sure he blinked very much. When he really liked something, he would smile, clap, & look at me as if he were saying "did you see that momma"! Such a sweet boy. I would name the animals as they entered the stage. He would listen & then watch closely to observe their movements. It was special to take Stryker because I have fond memories of my mom taking me growing up. We will definitely be back next year, maybe with daddy. It was nice to spend time with my little boy & friends. Thank you Jeremiah & Julianne for coming with us!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Go Lions!
Baseball season has officially begun!! Wallace had their first double header today starting at 1pm. Coco kept Stryker today at our house. The hospital census was low allowing me to get off at 12pm! I was excited about surprising Logan early & seeing the games from the beginning. Coco came with Stryker & me. Stryker was decked out in his Wallace sweatpants, mock turtle-neck shirt, jacket, & toboggan. He looked so tough! We sat up high behind home plate to cut the wind off us. Coach Putman had the managers clean one of the extra pressboxes for Stryker to have somewhere to play. Thanks Coach but Stryker wanted to sit in the stands & watch the games. He watched the games entirely & so intently. My little baseball player! Logan's pitchers looked great along with the rest of the team. Wallace played Motlow Community College (TN). They have never swept that college...until now! Welcome to WSCC baseball, boys! Sorry, I get carried away when talking baseball.
First game: 7 innings, score = 4-1
Second game: 7 innings, score = 5-3
The second game allowed Head Coach Randy Putman to win his 800th win at Wallace. There's not another coach to achieve this milestone. Way to go Coach! Immediately following the second game, all the players pulled their shirts off to display white t-shirts with bright orange "800". It was great! There was a short congratulations meeting with all the players, coaches, & friends/families by the dugout. Coach Putman was presented with a plaque. Happy 800th win Coach! Ready for more wins!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Weekend at the ballfield
Baseball season is just around the corner! This weekend was prep for the Wallace State Lions baseball team before their first games. We started the weekend off with breakfast Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel. Stryker has been spoiled by grandmomma taking him & daddy there almost weekly. He knows what Cracker Barrel is because he began kicking & smiling as we pulled up. Can you believe an 11 month old loves Cracker Barrel that much?! As we walked to our table, Stryker caught a glimpse of the fireplace. I stood there for a few minutes letting him gaze at the fire & feel the warmth. Stryker flirted with every lady/waitress that walked by his high chair. An elderly woman walked by which Stryker reached for her coat making her stop in her tracks (backing up a group of people trying to get to their table) to say, "What a handsome little boy" & talk to Stryker for a few minutes. He just grinned & babbled the entire time. Such a ham! After stuffing our tummies, we headed to Wallace. It was cold & windy outside forcing us to watch the intersquad game inside the press box. It was nice & toasty in the press box with the heater on. Stryker had several toys, pack-n-play, & DVD player which all took a back seat as soon as the intersquad game started. He heard the first crack of the bat & raised his little head while reaching for me to pick him up. He sat on the counter & watched the game entirely! Sunday was a repeat of Saturday, except for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I'm pretty sure that Stryker's favorite part of both days was getting the opportunity to hang with Coach Putman, daddy, & the players on the field after the games. He loves being around baseball. Hope this love continues. After both games, Logan had to take the pitchers to the weight room for work-outs. Stryker played with all the weight equipment (i.e. barbells, weights, treadmill) as you can see above.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
11 months old
Stryker, my dear little boy, you turned 11 months today. You're growing so fast. You're little baby face is turning into a little boy face. Only one more month until your 1 year birthday is here! Your daddy & I can't believe that you've blessed us with your presence for 11 months now. You are doing so many new things that it's hard to keep up with all of them. To name a few:
1. walking with support
2. saying "momma" & "dadda" all the time
3. babbling - using more words/sounds like you're trying to have a conversation
4. crawling down the stairs
5. when we say "no no", you follow with shaking your head "no"
6. when watching a bottle be made, you start shaking your hands acting like you're mixing the formula
7. holding your bottle (well, when you want to)
8. feeding yourself with finger foods
9. love to suck drinks through straw (when we hold the straw to your mouth)
10. love to eat food off our plates
11. bounces when music is played as if you were dancing
You attended your friend's first birthday party. Jeremiah Butler's party was held at his house with family & close friends. Logan was unable to attend due to baseball practice, but Stryker & I enjoyed the party.
Jeremiah's first bday party at the Butler's home (Logan did not attend b/c practice) was fun. I enjoyed getting to watch you make new friends & play with them (children of all ages). You were never timid by their age. You just went right up to them & started playing. There were a couple of times where the "only child" (as of right now) syndrome showed up. For example, taking a toy away from another child who was playing with it. You weren't so sure why I told you "no". Oh the joys of parenthood - teaching the concept of sharing. You liked tasting assortment of foods/snacks. The red velvet with cream cheese icing cupcakes were a big hit. You love your sweets! Your daddy & Coco share that addiction with you little boy. The minute a bite was put in your mouth, you were opening it for another. The icing was smeared around your mouth & cheeks. I can't wait to see what you do with your smash cake on your birthday! You played hard & started rubbing your eyes indicating nap time was nearing. We said goodbye to all everyone & wished Jeremiah another Happy Birthday. Daddy, we really missed sharing this afternoon with you, but enjoyed coming home knowing you would be there soon.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Stryker's MRI
Today was the day for Stryker's MRI. It was the first time we had experienced "NPO" for Stryker. If you're unfamiliar, it's "nothing by mouth" that doctors order on occasion before a test/procedure is done. Logan & I planned the best we could for him to get ample food in hopes of decreasing fussiness in the morning. He ate supper late & then woke this morning with a few sips of water. We were able to distract him in the car playing & watching Elmo. Coco rode with us, while grandmomma met us at Children's Hospital. I'm pretty sure that Logan & I were more anxious/nervous about Stryker being sedated than Stryker was...I know, he's only 11 months old so that helps with him not knowing what's about to happen. Stryker was registered & then all of us took turns pulling him around the hospital lobby in a wagon. He loved having his toys in the wagon & riding by lots of people. He would stick his little arm out when someone passed by. "Such a cute little boy" people would say.
Hurry up & wait was the motto for today...or at least I thought. We were shuffled to another waiting room but smaller. Just a few minutes went by, then a nurse came to get Stryker for the IV placement. Logan & I took him to a room knowing we were going to hear crying soon. Logan held him as the anesthesia team spoke with me about the sedation process & vital signs were taken of Stryker. The two radiology technicians/nurses were wonderful. They took their time trying to distract Stryker while the IV was inserted in Stryker's hand. He, of course, cried & looked as if he were telling us to make them stop. Poor little boy. He was quickly consoled with his teddy bear & us walking him outside of the room.
The two technicians/nurses escorted all of us down to the MRI location. Logan & I were able to stay with him for a few minutes before they took him back. I began crying knowing I couldn't be there for him. Logan held me with uncertainty in his own mind. We all stayed in the waiting room talking about anything but the current situation. The nurses kept us informed about every detail. The MRI of his brain only took about 30-40 minutes. Logan & I were able to see him very soon after that in recovery. As we approached the stretcher, Stryker was laying on his back holding teddy & smiling at the nurses. He was still sleepy, uncoordinated, & unable to hold his head up independently. The nurses informed us that this would improve quickly as the anesthesia wore off.
Coco went back to work, but grandmomma took us to eat at Nikki's. Logan & I were starving (we didn't eat because our little boy couldn't eat). Stryker loved eating all the good food, especially since he had a variety to choose from off all our plates.
Logan left for baseball practice as Stryker & I played. Thank goodness the physician assistant for Dr. Fequire (neurologist) was extremely understanding because I called their office almost every 40-45 minutes wondering about results. The results were called to me around 4:30pm. NORMAL!!!!!! Yeah for good news as well as not having to wait all weekend to hear the results. I texted Logan, called Coco, & called grandmomma. Our follow-up appointment is scheduled for July.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
First Steps
Stryker took his first step today!!!! This morning Logan was holding Stryker's hands as he stood. Logan slowly let his hands free. Stryker spotted me & started leaning forwards. His little foot took one step forward, wobbly of course, followed by a lunge towards my lap. Logan & I both were shocked as well as excited. We clapped while saying, "Way to go big boy"! This might not have been intentionally since Stryker was not wanting to repeat that experience.
But, later today, Coco & Fletch were able to get him to take a few steps. Too bad Logan missed it. At least, it was captured on tape.
But, later today, Coco & Fletch were able to get him to take a few steps. Too bad Logan missed it. At least, it was captured on tape.
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